Have you noticed a brown stain appearing on your ceiling or a moldy smell? You have a roof leak. This is a grave issue that needs to be eradicated immediately. If your business is in City of Industry, CA, call Shark Commercial Roofing Systems now! Our phone number is (213) 466-0074.
Older Roofs – Increased Cause for Concern
A leak is more than just a problem, it is a cause for grave concern. It creates the perfect environment for mold to grow. Your building has insulation and heat is naturally trapped between the ceiling and the roofing materials. A leak just adds water that creates the humidity and moisture that mold needs to grow. Once mold has started it is difficult to eradicate without doing a full mold removal. A thorough mold restoration requires gutting the ceiling and walls. Taking everything back to the studs and scrubbing with a mold eradicating solution. Then replacing all the elements that create your commercial building. Mold creates health issues from a minor allergy reaction to a full-blown hospital visit. Mold is not something you should ever ignore. It needs to be dealt with quickly and without mercy. Even the smallest leak can lead to serious issues.

Older roofing systems are more susceptible to the development of mold-inducing leaks due to their age and material composition. However, that doesn’t mean you need to tear off and replace the entire roof. Instead, there are new, innovative solutions that allow us to keep your current roof but overlay it with improved waterproofing protection. This is a cost-effective way to address your roof leak, while reducing any business downtime.
Leak Detecting
Detecting a leak requires an eye for the subtle. Our roofers have been trained to see beyond the visible and look for the symptoms of a leaking roof. This ensures your roof is getting the right treatment and nothing is overlooked. This service works through the inside of your ceiling then goes to the outside on the roof. We do this to get a complete look at your roofing materials and see if there are any areas of concern. In the ceiling there is always a space whether it is large enough to be considered an attic or small enough to be a crawl space. It conceals the insulation, piping, and wires of the building. It also gives us a way to see if there is any sunlight that can be seen through the roofing materials, or if dampness is present. The presence of either indicates a leak.
Call Us Today
A roof leak is not something anyone wants to find, but it is better to find it early. That way it can be dealt with quickly. By the time brown spots, mold or mildew show on your ceiling it could be too late and an entire mold removal may need to be done. Your building in City of Industry, CA, deserves a high-quality, dependable commercial roofing company. If you are concerned about a roof leak, call us at Shark Commercial Roofing Systems on (213) 466-0074.